
Archive for settembre 2006

Questo programmino vi permette di uscire forzatamente dalle applicazioni che si rifiutano di chiudersi…


ALXsoftware, shareware and freeware for Mac and PC
It closes forbidden processes or restart, shutdown computer and logoff user session (setup by administrator).

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Vestire in stile mac…

Bell’articolo sul new look dei mac people…

] marcomkc [

How to dress like a Mac » LifeClever 😉
How to dress like a Mac

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Chi ha un portatile e vuole farsi vedere… non può perdere questa occasione.

] marcomkc [

Webcam per Mac
Web-cam per mac? Non di solo iSight..
19/09/06 02:15 Permalink

Avete sempre cercato una web-cam per Mac ma la iSight vi sembrava troppo cara? E allora sfatiamo un’antica legenda metropolitana secondo la quale per Mac non esisterebbero web-cam più economiche e compatibili.
E’ il caso della eXtreme, splendida alternativa economica alla iSight di Apple, che permette molte cose ma ad un prezzo decisamente accessibile: 38 euro, tutto compreso.

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Questo piccolo programma è un ottimo browser per immagini. Adatto ad ogni mac, vi permette di scorrere graficamente ed a pieno schermo le foto delle vostre ultime vacanze.

Si integra perfettamente con editor grafici come Gimp per il ritocco delle immagini.


] marcomkc [

Xee v1.2.1

Xee is a lightweight, fast and convenient image viewer and browser. It is designed to be a serious tool for image viewing and management, with a sleek and powerful interface.

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Io credo che un mac possa sedurre una seduttrice…


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In questo appassionato articolo in inglese un programmatore Microsoft denuncia l’assenza di stimoli a Redmond e spiega la sua scelta di passare al Mac ed al software libero…


Strange new worlds, and programming languages…: Good bye Microsoft; Pete has now left the building!
So, today I resigned my job, and completely ended my Microsoft career. I have taken a role as Director with a company at the leading edge of the “Web 2.0” curve. My team and I will write Ruby on Rails code, use Macintosh computers to do so, shun Microsoft technology completely, go to work in shorts and sandals and blast each other with nerf guns. My team is devoted to being the best it can be, to learning, to improving, to pushing boundaries. And it’s not Microsoft.

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Quante volte abbiamo cambiato computer o sostituito dischi per la necessità di avere più spazio per i nostri file?

Quante volte ci siamo chiesti come abbiam fatto a riempire lo spazio disco così velocemente?

Per tutte queste domande e per ogni altra esigenza di controllo della locazione dei nostri documenti su disco è stato portato anche su piattaforma mac questo splendido programma libero: Disk Inventory X.

Cliccando sul link qui sotto potrete accedere al sito del progetto e scaricare l’ultima versione.

] marcomkc [

Disk Inventory X
Disk Inventory X is a disk usage utility for Mac OS X 10.3 (and later). It shows the sizes of files and folders in a special graphical way called “treemaps”.

If you’ve ever wondered where all your disk space has gone, Disk Inventory X will help you to answer this question.

For a quick start please read the readme file on the disk image. Or see a 1 minute video about Disk Inventory X from macbreak.com.

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XP on the PowerPC

by Derrick Story
Even though many PC power-users still prefer Windows 2000, XP is making its mark in the computing world. But Windows XP is not a casual upgrade. Older machines have a difficult time running the new operating system, and not all Windows applications are certified to run on XP. So often the move to XP comes at a time when folks are considering buying a new computer and upgrading their applications.

Tutto il resto qui

] marcomkc [

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Parallels Desktop for Mac

Parallels Desktop for Mac is the first solution that gives Apple users the ability to run Windows, Linux or any other operating system and their critical applications at the same time as Mac OS X on Intel-powered iMac, Mac Mini, MacBook or MacBook Pro*. At the moment Parallels Desktop doesn’t run on Mac Pro. We’ll provide an updated version that will function on Mac Pro soon. Click here to sign for Parallels news and stay updated about this issue.

Unlike dual-boot solutions, in which users must completely shut down Mac OS X and endure a full OS start-up cycle to access a important application, Parallels Desktop for Mac empowers users with the ability to run important Windows programs like Outlook, Access, Internet Explorer and all other applications without having to give up the usability and functionality of their Mac OS X machine even for a few minutes.

New! Now you can try improved Parallels Desktop for Mac! It’s smarter, more convenient and more user-friendly that ever!
Download free trial and evaluate Beta Update of Parallels Desktop for Mac.

Why is Parallels Desktop the best solution for running Windows on a Mac?

  • Unmatched Ease of Use:
    Parallels Desktop for Mac is easy to download, install and use. Download the program and install it with a single click. Build a virtual machine in seconds using helpful wizards. Configure virtual machines on the fly using a simple, web-inspired interface.
  • Run any OS at the Same Time as Mac OS X
    Use any full version of Windows (3.1, 3.11, 95, 98, Me, 2000, NT, XP, 2003), any Linux distribution, FreeBSD, Solaris, OS/2, eComStation, or MS-DOS in secure virtual machines running alongside – not instead of – Mac OS X.
  • Build virtual machines that work exactly like stand-alone Windows computers
    Use applications, access the internet, and work with any piece of hardware just like you would on a real computer, without the hassle of shutting down or booting up OSes or switching between terminals.
  • Easily share files and folders between Windows and Mac OS X
    Using the Parallels Shared Folders tool, you can easily share documents and folders, or cut and paste data, between any Windows XP, 2003 or 2000 virtual machine and your Mac OS X machine. No networking or complicated set up required!
  • Optimize virtual machine performance and save storage space with built-in Parallels Compressor technology
    Parallels Desktop for Mac includes Parallels Compressor, a powerful built in tool that can improve virtual machine performance and conserve hard drive space by reducing the size of virtual hard disk images by 50% or more. – FREE $49.99 value

] marcomkc [

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Silene propone un ottimo supporto per portatili per evitare che questi riscaldino più del necessario.

Vai al sito del venditore

iBreeze è uno stand per PowerBook ed iBook dotato di due ventole refrigeranti e alimentato tramite la porta USB del notebook.
iBreeze migliora le ventilazione e l’ergonomicità del portatile, garantendo un minore riscaldamento della macchina e di conseguenza una maggiore durata delle stessa.
Le due ventole garantiscono una circolazione dell’aria migliore rispetto ad un’unica ventola centrale e presentano un livello di silenziosità molto elevato.
Il design trasparente e i materiali innovativi si accostano perfettamente ai nuovi PowerBook ed iBook, inoltre l’inclinazione dell’iBreeze permette di posizionare il portatile nella posizione migliore per lavorare.
iBreeze può essere utilizzato con qualsiasi PowerBook o iBook Apple, persino con il PowerBook G4 da 17″.


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